22 Festival Special Trains to be run by Southern Railway

22 Festival Special Trains to be run by Southern Railway   1) Special Trains between Tirunelveli – Chennai Egmore (viaChord Line) Train No.06001 Tirunelveli – Chennai Egmore Superfast special train will leave Tirunelveli at 21.15 hrs. on 8.01.2015 (Thursday) and…

21 year old JNU student molested in the campus library

21 year old JNU student molested in the campus library: 21 YEAR OLD GIRL MOLESTED BY HER OWN CLASSMATE IN LIBRARY A 21 year old language(literature) student of Jawaharlal Nehru University was allegedly molested by her classmate in the campus library…

5 Alternatives to YouTube

5 Alternatives to YouTube In the Internet world, synonymous with “online video” is YouTube. There are other platforms that also provide lots of videos of all kinds to its users, and today we will see some of them. Here are five alternatives to YouTube.…

5 alternatives to WhatsApp

When discussing mobile messaging level, the most popular application of all is known WhatsApp, there is no doubt about that. WhatsApp Messenger and Blackberry displaced while other competitors because it is very easy to use and available on multiple platforms. As we always…