Interview Skills

Tips to Overcome Job Interview

Interview Skills

Before the Interview:

  • Learn everything you can about the company
  • Study your skills, your experience and training
  • Take the curriculum and Know it well, since it will be based on
  • Get a list of your weaknesses and prepare arguments to defend
  • If you cite in writing, it is right to call to confirm your attendance
  • Do not go with dark glasses
  • Check your appearance (avoid flashy clothes, well dress / clean / shaved ay)
  • Go alone / a
  • Arrive early (5 minutes ago)
  • Prepare the interview, the coach will do it too

During the Interview

  • Create a good impression. First impressions are very important. Many entrepreneurs believe that having seen entering the door to a candidate, look at how to shake hands and sit down, they are able to decide on their worth
  • Greet the interviewer with a conventional formula: Good afternoon,
  • Sit straight / a, or the edge of the seat (insecurity), nor lounging / a (lack of respect)
  • Do not be the / the first / a in reaching out
  • Greet with a handshake and smile, looking into his eyes
  • Do not sit until you say so
  • No tutees if you do not indicate
  • Stay tuned / ay sympathetic / a
  • Prevents you nervous / ay gestures indicating it as biting your nails, hitting with the pen on the table, rock you in the seat …
  • Do not smoke
  • Do not interrupt
  • Look the interviewer in the eye, but not intimidating
  • Let him take the lead
  • Do not talk too much, not too little
  • Watch your language
  • Sin no aggressive / a or sensiblón / a
  • Do not approach him much
  • Do not put your elbows on the table the interviewer
  • Do not cross your arms, you can look like you’re on the defensive
  • If you are offered a drink but you can accept, other than alcoholic

Think before you answer:

  • Answer clearly and briefly
  • Always tell the truth
  • If they ask you about yourself / a, emphasizes your training, experience and results of your work
  • Do not use big words
  • Do not answer evasively or concerns, or monosyllabic
  • Do not wait too long to respond, it might seem distracting symptom
  • Do not use sharp words “always, never,” or use hoses “bone”, “east”, “good” …
  • Show enthusiasm for the job, but do not beg
  • Do not speak ill of the companies in which you have worked
  • No you refuse to answer questions
  • If you do type questions how: If you travel with your boyfriend / girlfriend asked what one or two rooms ?; answer that you think that issue is irrelevant to deduct your suitability for the position you are applying for. Say it seriously but not aggressively. These questions assess your emotional control

Think positively

Do not order the set as if it were an alms
Do not say you need to work terribly
Do not criticize past employers
Example: Do not say, “I just finished my studies and I have no professional experience” focused otherwise correct answer would be “I am available for work and willing /  implement all the knowledge I have acquired in my studies

Ask questions

On the possibilities of promotion, the company or the job

Express your appreciation

After the Interview
Analyze the results, note strengths and weaknesses … can serve you for a second interview or for upcoming interviews at other companies.

Possible questions you can ask in the interview


  • Tell me about yourself
  • Tell me a story of your life in which you successfully resolvieras a problematic situation
  • What makes a company if I hire you instead of another candidate? Differentiator What you contribute?
  • If you were in charge of making this selection and I were the candidate, what qualities would you like me to meet?
  • Do you like working with people or do you prefer to work alone?
  • Do you consider yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
  • What was the most important decision you adopted in the past?
  • Define yourself yourself with five adjectives. Justifícalos.
  • What have you learned from your mistakes?
  • Did you just what you start?
  • Think of a teacher, a friend, your boyfriend / girlfriend in ……. If I were to ask how are you, what do you think that answer?
  • If all jobs have the same pay and the same social status what do you really like to do?
  • Describe your scale of values
  • What people like Madden?
  • Do you sleep well?
  • How do you usually react against the hierarchy?
  • How do you insert into a team?
  • What impression do you think you’ve taken after this interview?


  • Why did you study architecture, law, economics ………?
  • How did you decide to study …………. What attracted you to other careers?
  • Who most influenced you in choosing your career?
  • What subjects did you like best / least and what knocked it best / worst grades?
  • To what extent should your grades to your personal effort and to what extent your intelligence?
  • What changes would you have added to the curriculum of your faculty or school, if you could have?
  • What was the most rewarding experience in your life as a student?
  • Do you think your studies continue or expand in any way?
  • If you went back to begin your studies, what would you do differently?
  • For your further education, what seminars or short courses you’ve done What motivated you to do them?
  • Did you have any representative during your time as a student?

Tips to overcome job interview

Previous work

  • Tell me about your activities outside your studies
  • Did you perform any work “student” (classes, summer jobs, driving …)?
  • What did you learn during your previous works? What functions desempeñabas? How much hand didst?
  • You were supposed to supervise the work of someone?
  • Which of your previous jobs did you like best / least? Why?
  • What is your most creative project or solution?
  • How you wore with your peers, your boss, with your subordinates?
  • What was the most unpleasant situation you see? How did you cope?
  • Describe the best boss I ever had. And the worst
  • Describe a typical day in your last job
  • How did you get that job, that practice …?


  • What do you know about our company?
  • What attracts you to it?
  • What work environment do you prefer?
  • Do you prefer a predictable work or a changing job?
  • What do you think relationships should be between a boss and his immediate collaborator?
  • Would you be willing / aa move you to live in another city, another country, or travel frequently?
  • Do you have a geographical preference?
  • What do you think can be the most difficult for you to move from student life to working life?
  • Which department (marketing, finance, production, trade …) attracts you the most?
  • What are your strengths and your weaknesses for this position?
  • What do you see yourself doing in five, ten years?
  • What are your long term goals and how do you think you can achieve?
  • How did you learn of the existence of this post?
  • Why do you think you’re going to succeed in this job?
  • What kind of boss you want to work?
  • And with what kind of boss you think you’d end by crashing?
  • Would you be willing / yyyy conduct a training course run by the company, before being hired / a?
  • How much you want to win now (and within five years)
  • Do you prefer working in a large firm, medium, small, public, private … Why?
  • Like the predictability of a job that you know start time and end time, or prefer a job where you do not know now exactly what are you doing tomorrow?
  • When might you merge to work?
  • What persons of the companies you’ve worked before can give you references?
  • Do you participate in other selection processes?
  • What do you think of ….. the monetary union, terrorism, feminism, political, unions ………?
  • Are you comment with your parents-wife / o-girlfriend / or the impact of your work?


  • Who do you live?
  • What do your family do?
  • You have a girlfriend / o – wife / husband? What do you think of this work?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • What are your favorite hobbies?
  • What last book you read this? What do you think?