Dhanush Sings a Song on Super Singer Junior 4

Its an auspicious moment to have superstar Dhanush on Super Singer 4 Juniors. Dhanush also sang a song named “Daanga Maari”. We are eagerly waiting for the winners of the Super singer 4 juniors. Stay updated to our site for more updates on the winner. –

Dhanush Sings a Song on Super Singer

Dhanush Sings a Song on Super Singer and some Popular Tweets here:

Talks like his Father in law. Definite-aa…. enjoy pannu veenga… panna pooreenga… enna soldrathu nu theriyalai 🙂 🙂 🙂 #SSJ

Fangirling moment over dhanush in #ssj doesnt stop….

From all the way from Malaysia. Specially from my kids who are watching #SSJ final

love you loads… Your Casuality kills the people

rm malaysia, danggamari super… oru step potinggele sir,chance’e ille…

Dhanush you were in my home… dhanush jiiiii

Solratha than seivaaru …seiratha than solvaaru. @dhanushkraja at #ssj thalaiva :*

Omg! Dhanush is so damn cute