AICTE CMAT Exam Results 2015, Score Cards, Merit List Declared

AICTE CMAT Exam 2015 Results, Score Cards, Merit List Declared on 25 March 
All India Council for Technical Education,National Common Managment Addmission Test Examinations (AICTE CMAT) for the year 2015 Results, Scorecard, Meritlist will be released on 25th march 2015.AICTE CMAT have been conducted on 19th,20th February all over the country.CMAT is conducting its second admission test for the purpose of Admission for the academic year 2015-16.

Candidates who have have applied For MBA need to clear this CMAT Exam 2015  and the candidates will be shortlisted according to the Merit, that they performed individually in the exam.CMAT will be conducted by the AICTE all over India twice a year.

(Scroll Down To Check AICTE-CMAT Exam Results 2015)

AICTE CMAT Exam 2015 Results

AICTE CMAT Entrance Examination have been conducted successfully on Feb 19th,20th all over india. Candidates who have appeared have been eagerly waiting for their  Results, & Score Cards for the Admission on reputed colleges/universities.

Recently ACITE CMAT 2015-16 results For the report of toppers scores are Released and available below. AICTE Second CAMT Examination have been written by the lakhs of students.

The candidates who have been selected will not be sent  hard copy of the score card  You Can download it only from the official site . Candidates who have cleared the exam will be called for the institutions for further selection process. Now its time for results, you can check the results from 25th feb. Here is the procedure for checking CMAT-2015 Second Test results.

ACITE CMAT Score Card 2015-2016

Nearly 10,000 institutions are ready to Recruit the students who have been selected in Examination for Admission. Candidates are little confused to choose the right colleges/institutions based on the score.

How to Check AICTE CMAT-2015 Second Test Results

  • Login to the official site
  • Search  CMAT-2015 Second Test results.
  • Click on the relevant link.
  • Enter the details asked.
  • Then, submit you can find the result on the screen.
  • Download and save it.

Important Dates To Remember

  1.  Date of  result 25.03.2015
  2. Print out of Score Cards 25.03.2015 to 25.04.2015