UPTU 7th Sem Result 2014 B.Tech Odd Semester Results

UPTU 7th Sem Result 2014

Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) is a public university in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh set up by the Government of (up) Uttar Pradesh on May 8, 2000. This university offers many UG and PG courses. Large number of students appear for the exams every year. UPTU has declared the results of B.Tech. Odd Semester Results (First Semester) 2014-15 on 7th April 2015. Results of all other Odd Semester exams of different branches will be declared soon. As per the updates UPTU  B.Tech 7th Sem Results 2014 may release on 9th of April 2015.

UPTU 7th Sem Result 2014 B.Tech Odd Semester Results

UPTU Results 2014-15 :

(UPTU)Uttar Pradesh Technical University is the biggest technical university in Asia. It had approximately 800 colleges affiliated to it.  This university offers undergraduate courses in engineering, architecture, hotel management and catering technology, fashion and apparel design, and pharmacy, leading to degrees of B.Tech, B.Arch, BHMCT, BFAD, and B.Pharma respectively. Lakhs of candidates were pursuing their education in the affiliated colleges as well. UPTU is going to release the Results of all semesters of MCA, MBA, B.Arch and B.Pharma Courses on 12th April 2015.

All the candidates appeared for the UPTU  B.Tech 7th Semester exam are now waiting for the results. Candidates can check the results from the official website or from the link given below after the results has released in the official site.

Steps to Check UPTU  B.Tech 7th Sem Results 2014-2015 :

  • Visit the Official website of UPTU or open the link given below.
  • Navigate to the results.
  • A page of your Result appear on the screen.
  • Enter your Roll. no number and verification code
  • Then click on submit button.
  • Your result appear on the screen.

Click Here : For UPTU B.Tech 7th Sem Results 2014-2015