UPSC Recruitment Notification 2015 Apply Online for 173 Drugs Inspector, Asst Professor & Other Posts

UPSC  Recruitment Notification 2015 Apply Online For 173 Drugs Inspector, Asst Professor & Other Posts:

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced a notification for the recruitment of 173 Drugs Inspector, Scientist, Professor, Asst Professor,Architect, Joint Director, Associate Professor Vacancies. Eligible candidates can apply online on or before 19-03-2015 by 23.59 hrs. More details like educational qualification, age limit, selection process, application fee and applying process are given below:

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UPSC Advt No 04/2015 Vacancy Details:
Total No of Posts: 173
Name of the Post:
1. Joint Director (Crops Development Directorates): 02 posts
2. Scientists SB (Chemical): 04 posts
3. Drugs Inspector: 147 posts
4. Architect in the Office of the Chief Architect: 01 post
5. Professor (Information Technology) (Technical): 02 posts
6. Professor (Civil Engineering) (Technical): 01 post
7. Associate Professor (Civil Engineering) (Technical): 01 post
8. Associate Professor (Information Technology ) (Technical): 01 post
9. Assistant Professor (Unani): 14 posts

Age Limit:
Applying Candidates age limit is 45 years for Joint Director, 35 years for Scientists SB, 30 years for Drugs Inspector, 40 years for Architect as on the closing date of advertisement. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualification:
the Candidates should possess Post Graduate Degree in any branch of Agricultural Sciences for S.No.1 post, Master’s degree in Chemistry (Pure/ Applied/ Industrial) or Degree in Chemical Engineering/ Chemical Technology of a recognized University or equivalent for S.No.2 post, Degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with specialization in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a recognized University or equivalent for S.No.3 post, Degree in Architecture of a recognized University or equivalent for S.No.4 post, B.E./ B. Tech (CSE/ IT/I CT) and M.E/ M. Tech in (CSE/ IT/ ICT) with First Class for S.No.5 post. Refer the notification for more details.


UPSC  Recruitment Notification 2015 Apply Online For 173 Drugs Inspector, Asst Professor & Other Posts:

Selection Process:

The Shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview.

Application Fee:
Candidates need to Pay Rs.25/- by cash in any branch of SBI or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/ master credit/ debit card. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Women candidates of any community.

How to Apply:
Eligible candidates can apply online through the UPSC website Given Below on or before 19-03-2015 by 23.59 hrs and take print out of completely submitted online application on or before 20-03-2015 by 23.59 hrs.

Important Dates:
Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 19-03-2015 by 23.59 hrs.
Last Date for Printing of Completely Submitted Online Application: 20-03-2015 by 23.59 hrs.

To Apply Online Please Visit: