ugc net december 2014 results, Individual marks,cutoff

ugc net december 2014 results:

UGC NET cut off marks December 2014 was given below. Candidates who attempted the examination on 28.12.2014 can now check their CBSE NET expected cut off 2014 dec. Candidates can find UGC NET final cut off 2014 and CBSE UGC NET result 2014 from the official website or We have also given CBSE UGC NET previous cut off along with UGC NET merit list 2014 dec below.

ugc net december 2014 results, Individual marks,cutoff

CBSE UGC NET cut off Marks 28 December 2014

Central board of secondary education (CBSE) are going to conduct national eligibility test (NET) this year. Every year university grants commission (UGC) itself conducts this examination twice a year. The first UGC NET examination was conducted in the month of June. The second examination was likely to be held on 28.12.2014 and CBSE has successfully conducted the examination. As usually candidates who want eligibility for Assistant Professor/ lecturer and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) will apply for this exam and those who got selected in the exam are eligible to pursue the programme. Large number fo candidates have appeared for the examination and every one of them are waiting for the official release of CBSE UGC NET cut off 2014 and CBSE UGC NET result 2014.

CBSE UGC NET dec 2014 results Date

The exam was conducted for three papers i.e. paper 1, paper 2 and paper 3. We have given UGC NET cut off marks December 2014 for all the three papers. The CBSE NET expected cut off 2014 dec will be very helpful for the candidates as they can easily estimate the UGC NET December result 2014. We have prepared this UGC NET final cut off 2014 from the official website or For convenience we have updated CBSE UGC NET previous cut off in our website below. The UGC NET merit list 2014 dec will be declared in the month of January / February tentatively. We suggest every candidate to stay in touch with our website for more latest news regarding CBSE UGC NET cut off 2014.

UGC NET cut off marks December 2014(Expected)

Minimum Marks (%) to be obtained General Candidates OBC (NCL), SC, ST, PWD
Paper I 40 (40%) 35 (35%)
Paper II 40 (40%) 35 (35%)
Paper III 75 (50%) 60 (40%)

CBSE UGC NET result 2014

  • Candidates who got selected in the written examination are only called for the next round of selection
  • Merit list will be prepared based on subject wise and category wise.
  • Top 15 % candidates are declared as NET qualified for assistant professor post.
  • Separate merit list will be prepared for award of junior research fellowship (JRF)

How to check UGC NET merit list 2014 dec

  • Visit the official website or
  • Click on UGC NET December result 2014
  • Enter your registration number and password/ date of birth
  • Check your name in the results.