Tips to Brighten your DarkUnderarms

Image result for bright underarms

Are you wondering how to get rid of Dark Underarms ? so you can freely wear open clothes , swimsuits. However, to understand how to get rid of dark underarms, you first need to understand the causes.


You can see famous deodorant brands are running campaigns that promise to whiten underarms, While these might help to a degree besides  deodorants are responsible for darker underarms in the first place.

  • Shaving :Shaving results in unsightly stubble, which gives the illusion that you have darker underarms. The same goes for hair removal creams like Anne French or Veet. Try waxing as it removes the hair from the root itself.
  • Dead Cells : Darker underarms could very well be the result of dead cells accumulation on your underarms. All you need to do is exfoliate gently, either by using a loofah or scrubs with lactic acid.
  • Using Deodorants and Antiperspirants Excessively :This leads to pigmentation, which can result in permanently darker armpits Instead use deos for sensitive skin or resort to natural methods for dealing with underarm odour.
  • Friction : Wearing tight clothes on a daily basis, the friction between the material and your armpits can lead to darkening , Use loose cloths and avoid gaining fat near  armpits
  • Diabetes : The best way to deal with this is to maintain optimum insulin levels and try natural remedies.

Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms :

  1 . Waxing Or Electrolysis : 

Shaving results in unsightly stubble, which gives the illusion that you have darker underarms. The same goes for hair removal creams like Anne French or Veet. Try waxing or Electrolysis as it removes the hair from the root itself.

Image result for waxing

Recommended products: Philips Epilator | Braun Silk Epil 3 Soft Perfection Epilator | Philips Satinelle Epilator

2.  Lemon Juice : 

One of the most effective ways to lighten underarms is to rub them with lemon juice every day before taking a bath. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and will slowly lighten the area. After your bath, use moisturizer to soften the skin and skip the deodorant for a few days.

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3.  Lightening Masks : 

This will help you best , make a homemade whitening pack or buy one at the market.Make Home pack by mixing  a handful of gram flour with yogurt, lemon and a little turmeric powder. Keep it for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off. If you want to buy a readymade mask – try any clay-based lightening skin mask.

4.  Saffron Mixture :

An effective home remedy that works in two ways is mixing a pinch of saffron in two spoonfuls of milk or cream and applying to the underarms before bed. Keep this for the whole night, and wash off the next morning. Not only does this lightens the underarms, but also kills all germs and bacteria that cause underarm odour.

 5 . Less Usage of deodorants ,   Try Sandalwood and Rose Water ,  Whitening Scrubs 

Image result for whitening scrub

Recommended products: Auravedic Pure Lightening Skin Polish | Votre Gel Exfoliance Skin Polishing Scrub