The Film Industry streams its Condolence Messages to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

The Film Industry streams its Condolence Messages to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

What a shocker it was to learn the sudden passing away of the ‘missile man’ Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Sir. The man with a vision, the man who empowered our dreams with wings of fire. Now we know how to live and how to die.

Here is a compilation of few of the condolence messages from the film industry, that have been flooding the social media forums.


AR Rahman – “Dr. Kalam, when you became the President, you gave the word ‘hope’ a new meaning for Indians… Today, we have lost a great leader who inspired our young minds to feel that we live in the greatest nation on earth and that each one of them can achieve great things… May the creator lead you to heaven.”

Suriya – “You proved that birth doesn’t define a person but vision and true spirit does! Paper boy, Missile man to President. RIP Abdul Kalam sir “

Ramesh Aravind – “He inspired us to do great work and also be loved, respected by all .#RIPKalam”

Khushbu – “Lets not wallow in the loss rather take a leaf out of his life and try to follow his path..He departed doing wat he loved the most, teaching the kids.”

Arya – “Dr Kalam has inspired millions with his work. If u can inspire anyone it will be the respect that you pay to the greatness “

Preity Zinta – “Sharing this picture of India’s truly beloved leader, teacher, humanitarian & #MissileMan #APJAbdulKalam R.I.P. “

Salman Khan – “When ur heart says you should meet someone, don’t delay. I always wanted to meet Kalam saab and I should have made the effort . My loss .”

Bharathiraja – “திரு. அப்துல் கலாம் அவர்கள் தனி மனிதர் அல்ல.. தமிழனின் அடையாளம். ஆழ்ந்த வருத்தங்களுடன் பாரதிராஜா.”

Ram Gopal Varma – “Great men like Kalamji can never die ..they will remain forever alive in the hearts of every Indian from Kashmir to Kanyakumari”

Shreya Ghoshal – “Dr. Abdul Kalam inspired millions with his intellect and vision. You taught our nation that knowledge is power. We are indebted to you. RIP.”

Chinmayi – “Would have been nice if APJ sir had seen at least parts of his vision for 2020 had come true. Sure he is in a better place. Farewell sir. “

Vivekh – “அன்பின் வடிவம் அறிவின் சிகரம் எளிமையின் உருவம்;எங்கள் கண்ணின் மணி; என்று காண்போம் இனி? இந்தியாவின் இன்னொரு தேசப்பிதா! “

Balaji Mohan – “#RIPKalam sir. Remember writing a letter to him about our education system when I was a school kid #PeoplesPresident indeed. An inspiration.”

Anirudh – “RIP APJ Abdul Kalam Sir..Still remember seeing him and feeling awestruck at one of my school events! Legendary soul.”

Pandiraj – “Kanavu kaanungal said by #APJ Abdul Kalam sir was the opening title card of my movie #Pasanga. A true inspiration. RIP Sir”