Republic day 2015 WhatsApp and Face book status

Republic day 2015 WhatsApp and Face book status


Sharing the January 26   Republic Day o WhatsApp status and messages with friends and family is one of the best ways to celebrate patriotic day. It is the day when India as an independent country got its constitution and recognized as one of the largest democracies in the world. Today, the day is celebrated with enthusiasm by pure organizing flag hoisting program, patriotic drams, and more. With the increase of technology, people started using smart phones to connect with the world. And with apps like WhatsApp people are more in sharing stuff here.

Republic day 2015 WhatsApp and Face book status Grab here

1) Republic Day is a good time to review what we are and how we got here.

HAPPY Republic Day.

2) Thousands set their lives…so our country breath this day…

never forget their sacrifice..Happy Republic

3) Hope peace remains in your part of the world today and every day

Happy Day Republic

4) Our life is full of colours and I hope that January 26 will add more colours in your life.

Happy Day Republic

5) Other have forgotten But i never forgotten  … The flag of my country

Furls Very High … Happy Republic Day

6) Let us remember the golden heritage of our country and proud to be a part of




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HAPPY Republic Day…




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Jai Hind.