Rail Vikas Nigam Limited Recruitment 2015 for Site Engineer

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) Recruitment 2015 for Site Engineer in Contract Basis:

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL), a mini-ratna PSU under the Ministry of

Railways for fast track execution of Rail projects, requires the services of Engineering

Degree holders having valid GATE 2014 or 2015 scores for engagement in Civil,

Electrical & Signal & Telecommunication Departments of RVNL on contract basis for

its Projects located at various places in the States of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,

Gujarat & Maharashtra. The details are shown below about experience are below.

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited Recruitment 2015 for Site Engineer

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited Recruitment 2015 Qualification, Application Process and other details:


Site Engineer (for Civil, Electrical & Signals)


B.E/ B.Tech in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Electronics & Communication Engineering with valid GATE 2014 or 2015 Score.


The monthly remuneration of Site Engineer will be around Rs.27000/-

Application Process:

  1. Candidates are required to fill up forms on-line on the RVNL website. Please see the relevant page under “Opportunity/ Careers”.
  2. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully while filling up the form online to avoid errors/ rejection.
  3. The on-line facility will be open for a specified period/ time (0000 hrs of 10/03/2015 to 20/03/2015). Interested candidates must fill up the form within this specified time period of 7 days.
  4. Applications beyond or before the specified period will not be accepted.
  5. No applications need to be sent by post. Applications if any sent by post will not be accepted.

Selection Process:

Mere applying for the post or possessing minimum qualification is no guarantee for an Interview Call. RVNL administration will decide short-listing of candidates for interview. Candidates for the post of Site Engineers will be shortlisted on the basis of their GATE 2014 or 2015 Scores Only GATE 2014 or 2015 will be accepted and earlier GATE Scores are not acceptable. Candidates who are shortlisted for Interview would be required to produce their GATE 2014 or 2015 Score Cards as proof of their score and would also be required to submit attested copies of their GATE Score cards as also

their educational qualifications and those who are not able to produce the proof would not be admitted for Interview.

Date of Interview:

During 2nd or 3rd week of April 2015