Northeast Frontier Railway Recruitment 2015 for 12 Sport Quota posts

Northeast Frontier Railway Recruitment 2015 for 12 Sport Quota posts:

NFR (Northeast Frontier Railway) published recruitment notification for 12 sports quota messages. All eligible and interested candidates can apply offline later than 27-02-2015 (27th February 2015). More detailed information on educational qualifications, age limit, Pattern of the examination,the selection procedure, syllabus for NFR (Northeast Frontier Railway) Recruitment 2015 – Quota Post 12 Sport is mentioned below

NFR (Northeast Frontier Railway) Recruitment 2015 detailed vacancy information:

Total posts – 12 posts

Name and no of posts:

  1. Sports Quota – 12 posts

Age limit:

Candidate’s age should be between 18 and 25 years as on 07.01.2015. Age relaxations will apply according to the rules. For Post wise Age Details Go To Detail Advertising

Educational Qualification:

Candidates must have been 10th, 12th, ITI or its equivalent qualification from a recognized university. For Post Wise Qualification Go to the detailed ad

Selection Process:

All eligible candidates will be selected based on their performance on the trails, Interview.

How to Apply:

All eligible and interested candidates are suggested to send hard copy of the application and the relevant evidence (mentioned in detail Advertisement) to the following address on or before 27-02-2015.


Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment)

Northeast Frontier Railway HQ, Maligaon,

Guwahati – 781 011(Assam).

Important Dates:

Last deadline for receipt of application forms is: 27-02-2015.

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