National Institute of Nutrition: SRF & Project Technician-III

National Institute of Nutrition: SRF & Project Technician-III :

National Institute of Nutrition( NIN): SRF & Project Technician-III posts are invited. The NIN which is located in Hyderabad made an announcement on 16th December 2014.

Serial Number Post Qualification Number of Posts
1. Senior Research Fellow( SRF) First class M.Sc in Analytical Chemistry from a recognised university with a minimum of two years hands on experience in GC/LC-MS-MS 01
2. Project Technician-III 12th class pass in Science subjects and 2 years Diploma Certificate in DMLT/PMW/Radiology/Radiography from a Government recognised institute or 12th class pass in Science subjects and one year DMLT certificate course from a Government recognised institute and one year experience in a Government recognised organization or two years experience in field/ Laboratory/ Animal House Keeping in Government recognised organization. 01

National Institute of Nutrition: SRF & Project Technician-III :

How to Apply: Candidates can attend walk-in-interview at National Institute of Nutrition. Along with all original certificates of educational qualification ( from SSC onwards), experience and cast along with a photo and set of photo copies duly attested.

Note:- B.Sc. degree shall be treated as 3 years experience for project Technician-III post.

Age: below 30 years for Project Technician-III and below 35 years for Senior Research Fellow (SRF)

Walk-In-Interview: January 2nd 2015 for both posts.

For more details, please visit: