National Health Mission Recruitment 2015 for Various Posts

National Health Mission Recruitment 2015 for Various Posts:

National Health Mission announces recruitment for various posts through walk. There is totally 22 vacancies for many vacancies. The other details are shown below.

National Health Mission Recruitment 2015 for Various Posts

Serial  Number Post Qualification Number of Vacancies
1. District Programme Manager

(Salary = 28,000 pm)

Master in Business Administration/ Masters in Public Health/ MBBS.

Experience :- Minimum 3 year’s experience in management of a National Health

Programme at National/State/District level in either government or NGO settings/private

sector/research institution/university

02 posts
2. District Account Officer

(Salary = 19000 pm)

M.COM/ MBA (Finance).

Experience: Minimum 2 years experience in Finance & Accounts in Govt /

Semi Govt / Reputed Private Concerns


03 posts
3. School Health Coordinator(District)

(Salary= 15000 pm)

Post-Graduation in Business Administration/ Psychology/ Sociology.

Experience: Preferably 2 years experience in Health Sector in Govt. / Semi

Govt. Department / Reputed private concerns

03 posts
4. Community Mobilizer (District)

(Salary = 15000 pm)

Postgraduate in Business Administration/ Public Helath/ Psychology/ Sociology.

Experience: Preferably 2 years experience in Health Sector in Govt. / Semi

Govt. Department / Reputed private concerns


09 posts
5. BCC Facilitator (District)

(Salary = 13000 pm)

Graduate in any discipline with degree/ diploma in Mass Communication/ Journalism/ Public Relations.

Experience: Preferably 2 years experience in Mass Media/ Journalism /Public

Relations in a Govt/Semi Govt/ Reputed Private concerns.

05 posts

More Details About National Health Mission Recruitment 2015:

Age Limit: 18-37 years.

How to Apply:

Candidates can attend walk-in interview at Mission Director, NHM Punjab 5th floor Paryaas Building Sector 38-B Chandigrah. Along with their original testimonials related to Qualification, Experience, Punjabi up to Matriculation, Age Prof etc. and one self attested photocopy of all such documents for submission.


  1. For 1st post walk-in on 9th feb 2015
  2. For 2nd post walk-in on 10th feb 2015
  3. For 3rd & 4th walk-in on 11th Feb 2015
  4. For 5th post walk-in on 19th Feb 2015

For more details, please visit:


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