National Centre For Cell Science Recruitment for JRF, SRF, Project Assistants

National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS) announces recruitment for JRF, SRF, Project Assistants. The applications are invited for the following posts.

National Centre For Cell Science Recruitment for JRF, SRF, Project Assistants

Serial Number Post  Eligibility Number of vacancies
1. Research Associate Ph.D in any branch of life science or equivalent degree or having 03 years research experience after M.V.Sc./ M.Pharm. /M.E/ M.Tech 01
2. SRF M.Sc. in Bioinformatics with minimum of 55% marks and two years of post M. Sc. research experience. 01
3. JRF (Drug Target identification in L. major and S. mansoni through Biochemical Network Modeling) M. Sc or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% in any branch of life science and having valid qualified NET/GATE/LS. 01
4. JRF (Molecular Mechanisms for Regulation of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors by their Auxiliary Subunits) M. Sc or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% in any branch of life science and having valid qualified NET/GATE/LS. 02
5. JRF(Cellular and Molecular mechanism of CD4 T cell and endothelial cell interaction to control inflammation and autoimmunity) M. Sc or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% in any branch of life science and having valid qualified NET/GATE/LS. 01
6. JRF( The role of endocytosis in regulation of stem cell functions and cell fate decisions during early development) M. Sc or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% in any branch of life science and having valid qualified NET/GATE/LS. 01
7. Project Assistant( Small noncoding RNA mediated defense and counter defense in the antiviral immune system of silkworm) M. Sc or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% in any branch of life science and having valid qualified NET/GATE/LS. 01
8. Project Assistant( Systems Biology of Metabolic Networks of L. major: therapeutic implications (RGYI) M. Sc or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% in any branch of life science and having valid qualified NET/GATE/LS. 01


JRF= Junior Research Fellowship

SRF= Senior Research Fellowship

How to Apply for National Centre for Cell Science Recruitment:

The completed application in the prescribed format along with all relevant documents must reach “ The Director, National Centre for Cell Science, NCCS Complex, Pune University Campus, Post-Ganeshkhind, Pune-411 007, Maharashtra.”

Last Date for National Centre For Cell Science Recruitment:

20th January 2015

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