MOM 2 possible in 2018 or 2020 says ISRO chief

You can expect MOM 2 or Mangalyaan 2 by 2020 says ISRO boss.

He’s saying that it is going to be launched as early as possible within six years. Many people thought that Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) launched by Indian Space Reasearch Organisation (ISRO) was last. But it’s not what they thought ISRO is going to launch MOM 2 very soon.

dr k radakrishanan

Many people thought that Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) launched by Indian Space Reasearch Organisation (ISRO) was last. But it’s not what they thought ISRO is going to launch MOM 2 very soon.

Okay, now when it will be launched? and if we go through the reports in the media it is spoken that it may either in 2018 or 2020.

MOM 2 may be by 2020 :

ISRO chairman Dr K Radhakrishanan said that they have shown their ability to put a spacecraft around the Red Planet. we are not sure when it’s going to happen but launch of MOM 2 will certainly not be in 2016. He said it can be possible either in 2018 or 2020. He said that this will be explored after the scientific community comes up with the requirements.

The successful launch of the MOM was praised by scientists around the world saying that it’s an awesome innovation. it has been reported that now ISRO is also working to revise Aditya mission to study the sun by launching the satellite in between sun and earth. And also Chandrayaan 2 is also in the consideration of work.

At the launch of a book named Reaching for the stars: India’s journey to Mars and beyond by Pallava Bagla and Subhadra Menon ISRO chief said that the spacecraft will have some more instruments. He said they are looking at an appropriate moment for the launch that has a connection with the solar cycle.