Management Trainees at Nainital Bank Limited


Eligibility Criteria:
Age- Candidate should be in the age group of 18-27 years as on       30.06.2014.
Upper age limit relaxable by -5- years in case of suitable SC/ST           candidates, subject to production of Caste Certificate to the                 satisfaction of the Bank.
Qualification:Graduate/ Post Graduate in Arts /Science/ commerce/
Agriculture and Management with minimum 55% marks from recognized
University/ Institute. The SC/ST candidates will be given relaxation of 5% in the
minimum required percentage of marks. Proficiency in Computer Operations
and knowledge of Hindi & English languages are essential.
Fee: Rs. 800.00 (Rupees eight hundred only) in case of general candidates
and Rs. 400.00 (Rupees four hundred only) in case of SC/ST candidates
against proof of caste certificate, as above.

Remuneration:During the period of two years’ assignment, as Management
Trainee, shall be eligible for consolidated lump-sum amount of Rs. 18,000.00
per month in the first year and Rs. 23,000.00 per month in the second year.
The selected Management Trainees, after completion of active Two Years
satisfactory assignment as Management Trainee and found suitable shall be
absorbed in Bank’s service as DRO’s in Officers Grade/Scale-I, at sole
discretion of the Bank.

Mode of Examination:
Candidates fulfilling eligibility criteria will be required to appear for on- line written
test of English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and Test of General & Financial
Awareness at the centre allotted by the Bank/ Agency for written test keeping in
view the administrative/ technical feasibility at their own expenses. The candidates
declared successful in the written test will be called for personal interview at place
and date notified by the Bank.

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Application Form:Click Here