Malala donates her Nobel Prize money for Schools of Gaza

Malala Donates $50000 for Schools of Gaza

UNRWA says Malala Yousafzai was donated all her nobel prize of $50000 for the reconstruction of U.N. school in Gaza damaged during this summer Israel-Hamas war. Malala has collected the full prize money on Wednesday in Stockholm.

UNRWA also quoted that as she says the Palestinian children deserve a quality education, and that “without education, there will never be peace”. Many of Gaza’s U.N. schools were damaged during the 50th day war but Israel says it fired near schools responding to Hamas attacks from the areas.

Malala is also the author of I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban which is published on October 8th, 2013.

Malala donates Nobel prize Money worth $50000

Malala is one of the top 100 influenced people in the world. She received Nobel Prize in Sweden and rest are Sakharov prize, National Youth Peace Prize etc. She was also named one of the 25 Most Influential Teens of 2014 by Time Magazine. she is studying in Edgbaston High School and lives in England.

17 year old Malala won this year’s Nobel Peace Prize for Promoting girls rights in her native Pakistan. She was shot by a Taliban gunman on October 9th 2012 when she rode to home on a bus after taking an exam in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. She survived from that attack by the medical treatment in United Kingdom.

UNRWA is also providing aid to at least 50000 displaced people in Gaza for their minimum basic requirements such as food, water and sanitation services to them. Finally, many kudos to Malala for her brave heart being such a role model to all the world in small age.