JNTUH IV B.Tech I Semester (R09) re correction/re evaluation results – December, 2014

JNTU Hyderabad 4-1 (R09) Regular/Supple Re correction date :

JNTU HYDERABAD IV B.Tech/B.Pharmacy Ist semester Results exams which were held on November 2014 and results to be released on February .  It is that 75% paper of evaluation is done and remaining 25% is getting evaluated. As soon as the evaluation is completed, the results will be out and link will be updated. There is no official result date but it is expected that  results to be declared in the 2nd week of February 2015.

 Re correction date will be updated later

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTU Hyderabad) is a university, focusing on engineering, located at Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Founded in 1965, the engineering school Nagarjuna Sagar, it was established as a university in 1972 by Jawaharlal Nehru ,they also combined colleges in Kakinada and Anantapur. The University was Finally the results got unleashed and our JNTU university released 4th year 1st semester exams.

Jntuh B.Tech 3-1 Regular/ Supplementary Results November 2014 Released

JNTU Hyderabad 4-1 (R09) Regular/Supple Exam Results 2014 
Check Out The Results here :  check here

Finally our Jawaharlal Nehru university has released the B.pharmacy results for the exams commenced on November 2014. The results links are presented below.

IV B.Tech I Semester (R09) Results –December 2014
IV B.Tech I Semester (RR) Results – December 2014
IV B.Tech I Semester (R05) Results – December 2014
IV B.Tech I Semester (R07) Results – December 2014