JNTUH b.tech 2-2 (r13,r09,r07,r05) Reg/Sup Results Declared

JNTUH 2-1 & 2-2 (r13,r09,r07,r05) Reg/Sup Results Declared:

JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech 2-2 supply results:

JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech 2-2 supply results (r13,r09,r07,r05) supplementary examinations are held in the month of Dec 2014. Evaluation process started in the last month and it may complete by this week. Results may be declare in the march 1st week  2015. The exact results release date will be updated here, Stay tuned.

JNTU Hyderabad 3-1 Regular and Supply examination Results 2014 released recntly and 2-1 also released(February 28th,2015). After that JNTU hyderabad board planning to release  2-2 and 1st sem  Both regular and Supply Results as soon as possible. Due to some issues results are not yet declared.

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 R09 Supple Exam Results – December 2014 – LINK 1 – LINK 2

JNTUH  B.Tech 2-2 R07 Supple Exam Results – December 2014 – LINK 1 – LINK 2

JNTUH  B.Tech 2-2 R05 Supple Exam Results – December 2014 – LINK 1 – LINK 2

JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech 2-2 supply results:

Updated info Mar 1: JNTU Hyderabad 2-2 Supply Results will be declared soon. Stay tune to this page, Results may be release at any time, link will be here as soon results declared.

(Ignore) Old Info on Evaluation Status of 2-2 Reg/supp Results:

In Spell 1 : Evaluation for the below mentioned subjects done

1. Probability & Statistics
2. Power System 1
3. Pulse & Digital Circuits
4. Computer Organizations
5. Production Technology
6. Mining Geology
7. Aerodynamics 1

JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech 2-2 supply results

In Spell 2 : Evaluation for the below mentioned subjects done

1. Building Materials, Construction & Planning
2. Managerial Eco.&fin. Analysis
3. Kinematics Of Machinery
4. Electronic Circuits Analysis
5. Object Oriented Programming
6. Mechanics Of Solids
7. Aircraft Production Technology

In Spell 3: Evaluation for the below mentioned subjects done

1. Database Management System
2. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
3. Numerical Methods
4. Switching Theory & Logic Design
5. Strength Of Materials II


In Spell 4 : Evaluation for the below mentioned subjects done

1. Applied Thermodynamics I
2. Electrical Machines II
3. Electromagnetic Theory & Transmission Lines
4. Formal Languages & Automata Theory
5. Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines
6. Principles Of Programming Languages
7. Aerospace Vehicle Structures I

In Spell 5 : Evaluation for the below mentioned subjects done

1. Environmental Studies
2. Introduction To Space Technology
3. Principles Of Electrical Engineering
4. Network Theory
5. Mechanics Of Fluids And Hydraulic Machines

In Spell 6 : Evaluation for the below mentioned subjects done

1. Control Systems
2. Desgin And Analysis Of Algorithm
3. Electronic Circuits
4. Flight Mechanics I
5. Machine Drawing
6. Structural Analysis I
7. Mechanics Of Fluids And Hydraulic Machines
8. Environmental Studies

In Spell 7:  Evaluation for the below mentioned subjects

1. Machine Drawing
2. Structural Analysis-I

Bookmark and Stay tune to this page, Evaluation Status and Exact Results Date will be Updated Soon