JNTUH B.Tech/ B.Pharm R09 Regular/Suppy Nov 2014 Results Released

JNTUH B.Tech R09 Regular/Suppy  Nov 2014  Results Released

JNTU Hyderabad 4-1 Results Released

JNTU Hyderabad 4th year 1st semester (4-1) exams are held in the last month i.e. December 2014. JNTU Hyderabad council decided to complete the assessment as soon as possible. According to the evaluation, the status assessments tests 4-1 are in the final stage. Once the assessment has completed University will publish the results of the examination JNTUH 4-1 R09 semester. We can expect the results in the first week of February.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTU Hyderabad) is a university, focusing on engineering, located at Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Founded in 1965, the engineering school Nagarjuna Sagar, it was established as a university in 1972 by Jawaharlal Nehru ,they also combined colleges in Kakinada and Anantapur.



JNTUH B.Tech R09 Regular/Suppy  Nov 2014  Results

JNTU Hyderabad 4-1 (R09, R07, R05) Regular/Supplementary Exams Results:

IV B.Tech. I Semester (R09) Regular Results – December 2014: Click Here

IV B.Tech. I Semester (R07) supplementary Results – December 2014: Click Here

IV B.Tech. I Semester (R05) supplementary l Results – December 2014: Click Here

IV B.Tech. I Semester (RR) supplementary results – December 2014: Click Here

Check your results here:http://jntuhresultsdec2014.blogspot.in/2015/02/jntuh-b-pharm-3-1-4-1-dec-2014-results.html

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