JNTUH B.Tech 2-2(R13,R09) Results May 2016 Declared

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Results 2016 : Jntuh b.tech exam results were declared. These exams were conducted in the month of May 2016. All the students who have written these exams are eagerly waiting for the results. Finally, Jntu Hyderabad has released the results. This exams correction was completed in the month of June 2016. Recently JNTUH have released 3-2 results and now 2-2 results were released. These Examinations were conducted in the month of May 2015 and were started on 04/05/2016 for all branches.Numerous students across the states from all affiliated colleges to JNTUH participated in these semester examinations and these exams of JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Semester R13, R09, R07 for Regular & Supplementary were conducted as per the given schedule by JNTUH. JNTUH B.Tech 2-2(R13,R09) Results May 2016, JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Results 2016 , JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 semester Results 2016, JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 r13 Results 2016 .

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Results 2016

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2(R13,R09) Results May 2016

Scroll down we have provided info regarding JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Results May 2016. And also you will get the related links to check JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 semester Results 2016(R13, R09, R07). you guys can scroll down and check the results of JNTUH 2-2 Exam results, which was conducted in May 2016 and we will provide the exact percentage related compared with your marks. Students who are eagerly waiting for the results can bookmark this website.

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Semester Results 2016 DEclared

check the links displayed above or below

  • JNTUH B. Tech 2-2 R13 Reg/ Supply Results May 2016
  • JNTUH B. Tech 2-2 R09 Supply Results May 2016
  • JNTUH B. Tech 2-2 R07 Supply Results May 2016
  • JNTUH B. Tech 2-2 R05 Supply Results May 2016

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 R13 Regular Results 2016

1. Click on the Above related links displayed above or below the page JNTUH 2-2 result link (as per the requirement R13, R09, R07, R05)

2. JNTUH Results official page will be opened in new windows

3. Enter your Roll NO, and DOB & Verification Code in the above-displayed fields.

4. Hit “Get Result” button.

5. Your Results will appear on the computer screen displayed.

6. Take print out of ur scores for feature use.