Jharkhand Matric/SSC, JE 10th class Exam Results 2015

 Jharkhad JE 10th class Exam Results 2015

(JAC), Ranchi directed 10th Class examinations from 16th February 2015 to 2nd March 2015 begins with Hindi Paper and end with Sanskrit paper on 2nd March 2015. Consistently Jharkhand load up directing Matriculation/Secondary schools examinations in the same time i.e., February/March months. Not long from now more than 4 lakh Students showed up JAC Jharkhand Board 10th examination. Presently all the Jharkhand 2015 Metricualtion/Class X Examination composed Students are sitting tight for the Results.

visitors can also check the results through official advertisement by visiting the related links.

Jharkhand (JAC) 10th,12th Class Result 2015

 JE 10th class Exam Results 2015

Jharkhand Secondary School Matric/10th Class Exam Results 2015 Date:

Not long from now we are expecting the outcomes on first week of May 2015. For more points of interest visit Jharkhand JAC Official site: http://jac.nic.in

Here we also provide useful guideline about JAC Intermediate Result 2015. All Student who want to check their exam Result 2015 they need to visit the same website of Jharkhand Academic Council at- www.jac.nic.in.
JAC 12th Class Result 2015

The State of Jharkhand was established in 15th of November,2000. An Act to formation the Jharkhand Academic Council was enacted by the Jharkhand State Legislature and assented to by the Governor of the State on 26.12.2003, it is also known as Jharkhand Academic Council Act 02.7.2003.

It was formed for conducting the examinations at the end of Intermediate, Education, Secondary Education, Sanskrit Education and Madrasa Education and for prescribing courses of studies for such examinations and for recommending for recognition of Intermediate Educational Institutions, Sanskrit Schools,High Schools and Madrasas to the State Government and for carrying out such other or duties assigned to the council by the State Govt from time to time

Jharkhand SSC JE Result 2015 Cut Off Marks

  1. After the authority statement of the Jharkhand Board 10th Results 2015, the same will be distributed in Jharkhand Results official site: http://jharresults.nic.in
  2. After declare the outcomes one connection will show up like: JAC Annual Secondary School Examination Result -2014
  3. Click on the connection and Type your Roll Code, Roll Number, Date of Birth then click on Get Result catch.
  4. The Print the outcomes showed on the page.
  5. The understudies can get the outcomes through sms from mobiles moreover. SMS subtle elements will be distributed on authority site of JAC.