JEE Mains results 2015 , Cutoff marks,rank card download

JEE Mains results 2015 

JEE Main 2015 results are to be declared on April 27 th that would be published on the official site of the board. Students that who appeared for the exam therefore should get ready with all the essential documents and roll number get to access the result. The results will be displayed in the roll number and name wise format that would be easy for all the candidates to understand clearly.

JEE Main 2015 consists total 90 marks that was distributed into 3 categories: Physics, Chemistry and Maths. The exam was held on April 4 and the students also got access to the answer keys later on. So, everyone is waiting for his/her result with a big concern on their face. Tomorrow on April 27 2015, your wait would come to an end and you can log in to this website knowing what you have finally achieve.

visitors can also check their results through official advertisement by visiting the related links.


JEE Mains results 2015 , Cutoff marks,rank card download

JEE Mains cutoff marks 2015

The Central Board Of Secondary Education announced that it is going to declare the results of JEE Mains results 2015 on 27th of April. JEE Mains is an examination conducted for admissions into engineering programs of different discipline in Indian Institute Of Technology’s (IITS) present all over India.

The Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducted the IIT Exam both in pen and paper mode on this month of April 2015 across various centers in India. About 13.5 lakhs of candidates have registered for this examination. Out of this registered applicants approximately 10 lakhs candidates have chosen paper based exam.Only the top 1.5 lakh rank holders will become eligible to apply for this JEE Advanced 2015.

JEE Mains 2015 rankcard/scorecard download

The answer key for this JEE Mains 2015 exam conducted was already revealed by the board on 18th April 2015. So the applicants who had written the exam already got an idea about their score and they might be eagerly waiting for the results.

The results will be declared on 27th April and the All India rank will be announced on July 7th 2015. The candidates who become eligible for JEE mains Advanced will attend the exam conducted by the board on May 24th 2015.Those who become eligible in the JEE Advanced exam will be admitted in IITS across the India.

This exam consists of multiple choice questions.Number of questions given are 90. For every correct answer the candidate will get one mark and for every inaccurate answer a penalty mark of 1/4 will be deducted. This exam is conducted for 90 marks only.

Process To Check The JEE Main Results 2015:

  • Go to the official website of CBSE
  • After that click on the link which display JEE Main result.
  • You will be navigated to a page where you will find two empty boxes.
  • Enter your Roll Number in the first box.
  • Enter your date of birth.
  • Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
  • Your result will be displayed on the screen.