Details:Joint Admission Test is conducted for admission to Integrated Ph.D. Degree Programmes at IISc Bangalore and M.Sc. (Two Years) for pursuing Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D., M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree, M.Sc.-M.Tech., M.Sc.-M.S.(Research)/Ph.D. Dual Degree and other Post-Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at IITs at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (IISc) and Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

Courses Offered:

Biological Sciences (BL)

Integrated Biological Sciences IISc
Integrated Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences IISc
M.Sc. – Ph.D. Dual Degree in Biotechnology IITB

Biotechnology (BT)
Integrated Ph.D. in Biological Sciences IISc
M.Sc. Biotechnology IITB, IITR
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Biotechnology IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Environmental Science andEngineering IITB

Chemistry (CY)
Integrated Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences IISc
Integrated Ph.D. in Biological Sciences IISc
Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D. in Chemistry IITBBS, IITKgp
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Chemistry IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Energy IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Environmental Science and Engineering IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Biotechnology IITB
Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences IITBBS
M.Sc.-M.S.(Research)/Ph.D Dual Degree in Chemistry IITRPR

Geology (GG)
M.Sc. Applied Geology IITB, IITR
Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D. in Geology IITKgp
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Applied Geology IITB
Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. in Earth Science IITBBS
Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences IITBBS

Mathematics (MA)
Integrated Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences IISc
Integrated Ph.D. in Biological Sciences IISc
M.Sc. Mathematics and Computing IITG
M.Sc. Mathematics / Mathematics and Computing IITH
Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. in Mathematics IITBBS, IITKgp
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Operations Research IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Environmental Science and Engineering IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Energy IITB
Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences IITBBS

Statistics (MS)
Integrated Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences IISc
M.Sc. Applied Statistics and Informatics IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Operations Research IITB
M.Sc. Statistics IITK
Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences IITBBS

Physics (PH)
Integrated Ph.D. in Physical Sciences IISc
Integrated Ph.D. in Biological Sciences IISc
Integrated Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences IISc
Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. in Physics IITBBS, IITKgp
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Physics IITB, IITK
M.Sc.(Physics) – M.Tech. (Materials Sciences with specialization in
Nano-Science & Tech.) IITB
M.Sc. Applied Geophysics IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Applied Geophysics IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Energy IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Environmental Science and Engineering IITB
M.Sc.- Ph.D. Dual Degree in Biotechnology IITB
Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences IITBBS
M.Sc.-M.S.(Research)/Ph.D Dual Degree in Physics IITRPR

  • Eligibility:
    For IISc Bangalore: First class (as declared by the University) for Un-Reserved/OBC category candidates and second class (as declared by
    the University) or 50% aggregate marks, without rounding off, for SC/ST and PwD category candidates in the qualifying degree.
    For IIT Guwahati: At least (a) 55% marks or 6.0 CPI in a scale of 10, without rounding off, in Major/Honors and Pass in all other subjects,
    including Languages and Subsidiaries or (b) 60% aggregate marks or 6.5 CPI in a scale of 10, without rounding off, taking into account all
    subjects, including Languages and Subsidiaries, all years combined, for Un-Reserved/OBC(NCL) Category Candidates; and at least (a) 50%
    marks or 5.5 CPI in a scale of 10, without rounding off, in Major/Honors and pass in all other subjects, including Languages and Subsidiaries,
    or (b) 55% aggregate marks or 6.0 CPI in a scale of 10, without rounding off, taking into account all subjects, including Languages and
    Subsidiaries, all years combined, for SC/ST and PwD Category Candidates, in the qualifying degree.
    For all other IITs: At least 55% aggregate marks, without rounding off, (taking into account all subjects, including languages and subsidiaries,
    all years combined) for Un-Reserved/OBC Category candidates and at least 50% aggregate marks, without rounding off, (taking into account
    all subjects, including languages and subsidiaries, all years combined) for SC/ST and PwD Category candidates in the qualifying degree.
    For candidates with letter grades/CGPA (instead of percentage of marks) the equivalence in percentage of marks will be decided by the
    admitting institute(s).
    *Eligibility Requirements are subject to change as per the policy of admitting institute(s).
    NOTE: Proof of having passed the qualifying degree with the required eligibility, as specified by the admitting institute should be submitted by 30
    September, 2015. Reservation policy is as per the Government of India norms

Important Dates:
Commencement of ONLINE Registration and Application Process September 03, 2014
Last Date for Payment of Fee through Challan September 30, 2014
Closure of ONLINE Application Procedure October 09, 2014
JAM 2015 Examination February 08, 2015
Announcement of JAM 2015 Results March 19, 2015

Examination Mode:

JAM 2015 Examination will be conducted ONLINE only as a Computer Based Test (CBT) for all Test Papers.
All the seven Test Papers of JAM 2015 will be of fully objective type, with three different patterns of questions as follows:
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) : Each MCQ type question has four choices out of which only one choice is the correct answer.
Multiple Select Questions (MSQ): Each MSQ type question is similar to MCQ but with a difference that there may be one or more than one choice(s) that are correct out of the four given choices.
Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions: For each NAT type question, the answer is a signed real number which needs to be entered using the virtual keypad on the monitor. No choices will be shown for these type of questions.
All candidates have to apply only ONLINE.
NO hardcopies of documents (except challan) are to be sent to the Organizing Institute. The documents (if applicable) are to be uploaded to the online application website only.
No hardcopy of JAM 2015 score card will be sent to the JAM 2015 qualified candidates by the Organizing Institute. It can only be downloaded from JAM 2015 website.
To Apply Visit: