ISRO to launch Mars Orbiter Mission-2 by 2018

ISRO plans for Mars Orbiter Mission-2

After the success of India’s most Prestiges Project on Mars,that is Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM). ISRO (Indian Spae Research organisationis) is planning to launch the Second Mars mission in 2018.

ISRO’s satellite centre director S. Shiva Kumar stated, “We plan to launch a second mission to Mars in 2018, probably with a lander and rover, to conduct more experiments for which we have to develop new technologies.”

at news conference mr kumar said”We will be able to take the Mars-2 mission after launching the second mission to the moon (Chandrayaan-2) in 2016 with our own lander and rover, which will help us to develop a separate lander and rover for the red planet,”.he added a announcment of three-day ‘Engineers Conclave-2014′ on future space technology with colaberation of ISROand with the Indian National Academy of Engineering in Bangalore.

Mars Orbiter Mission-2  launch by 2018

Shivakumar added that ISRO would launch Mars Mission-2 only after Chandrayaan-2 in 2016., the space center is looking for a time in 2018. ISRO is planning to have a heavy rocket fully operational to carry a lander and rover with scientific experiments as additional payloads .

“We hope to have fully operational heavy rockets over the next two-three years for carrying communication satellites weighting two-three tonnes into the geo-stationary orbits around the earth,” mr.Kumar said to media.