Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT) Kanpur announced Admissions for MBA 2015

Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT) Kanpur announced Admissions for MBA 2015:

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur invites applications for admission to two years full-time master’s program in the management of services and management of manufacturing and functional areas of operations, systems, marketing and finance from the academic session 2015 in Business Administration (MBA)

The course work includes compulsory, specialization and elective courses and special studies in the field of interest of specializations offered by MBA participants include sectoral areas of service management and manufacturing management and functional areas of operations, systems, Marketing and Finance.

Qualifying Examination:

To apply for admission to the MBA program of the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management at Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology for the academic session 2015-16, a candidate must appear for the examination conducted by IIM CAT 2014 For more information about CAT-2014, please visit the link:


For candidates General and OBCs

  1. a) The CAT-2014 score all the 85 percentile and above
  2. b) 65% and above Class X and Class XII exams
  3. c) B. Tech., B. Sc Engineering, BE or B. Arch (math class XII) with an aggregate of 65% or CPI of 6.5 on a scale of 10 for any AICTE recognized institute / university, IIT NTI & IIITs.

For SC and ST candidates

  1. a) The CAT-2014 score all the 75 percentile and above
  2. b) 55% and above Class X and Class XII exams
  3. c) B. Tech., B.Sc Engineering, BE or B. Arch (math class XII) with a total of 55% or CPI of 5.5 on a scale of 10 for any AICTE recognized institute / university, IIT, NTI & IIITs.

Candidates appearing in the final examination of studies may also apply; these candidates, if selected, will be admitted provisionally.

They must complete all requirements of the degree of qualification when joining the course.

Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT) Kanpur announced Admissions for MBA 2015

Selection Procedure:

Candidates will be selected on the basis of   the rank / score in CAT-2014 Panel Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI)

How to Apply:

The application form and prospectus can be downloaded from the website of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria set out above may apply to the MBA program at IIT Kanpur by filling an online application form and sending a demand draft in favor of Registrar, IIT Kanpur Kanpur payable.

Application fee for General and OBC candidates is Rs.1600 / – and SC / ST / PH is Rs.800 / – Female candidates are exempted from payment of application fee to apply for the MBA program at the IIT Kanpur.

A candidate may enroll in the MBA program only through the online application process after the results of the CAT are declared.

For more details please visit:

Important dates for admissions MBA IIT Kanpur:

Declaration CAT Result: 03 weeks of December 2014

Start the online application process: The day after the announcement of the results of CAT-2014

Last date for submission of online application form: The January 13, 2015

Deadline for receipt of application and printing, project completed online application form: 20 January 2015

Announcement of shortlisted candidates for group discussion & Personal Interview: February 10, 2015.

Last day for receipt of the completed application form (paper copy of the online application form) with supporting documentation (for shortlisted candidates): The February 27, 2015.

Group interview and discussion: 19th – 22nd March 2015 Announcement of results and the list of selected candidates: May 4, 2015


Industrial and Management Engineering Dept,

Indian Institute of Technology,

Kanpur‐208016 (Uttar Pradesh),

Tel 0512‐2597683,

Email: [email protected],
