IIPM Bangalore announces Fellow Programme in Management 2015

IIPM Bangalore announces Fellow Programme in Management 2015:  


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Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Plantation invites nominations for the Fellow Programme in Management: agribusiness and plantation management (FPM: MAPA) AICTE-approved program (PhD) PhD

Starting the program in August 2015

Fellow Programme in Management (FPM):

Agribusiness and Management Plantation is a residential area, the PhD program full-time training future researchers become researchers and teachers in the different aspects of management relating to highly skilled and plantation innovative products and associated agribusiness sectors. Fellows are expected to be experts in their field and able to generate new knowledge that contributed to the development of thought and management practice


The stock management program agribusiness and Plantation Management Institute is a doctoral level program, designed with the following objectives: developing research and researchers in the field of management of the plantation and agribusiness partners to help institute and carry our research in the fields of management, allied disciplines for the development of plantations and agro-industrial sector partner to provide a unique platform for young and talented person with a passion for planting and agro-industry and the associated consumption, feed them and prepare them to take responsibility for managing the plantations and related system to meet the needs of the plantation and agro-industry providing information associated with research and publications.


The minimum duration of the planned program is four years and the maximum permitted period is six years two extensions of six months beyond the maximum aforesaid period of six years may be considered in exceptional cases, students are not completing the requirements at this time will be deemed to have withdrawn from the program; for the first two years, the student works and in the following years, he / she made a thesis.


Applicants must have Postgraduate in any discipline with at least 55% marks with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification obtained after a minimum three years of work if a result of higher secondary education (10 + 2) or equivalent Those who possess professional qualifications such as CA / CS ICWA and are considered as equivalent to a postgraduate degree and have at least 55% of the marks.


The candidates are currently employed in a full-time job and have at least 7 years steering / experience / university management in the field relevant to the 30th June 2015; for graduate engineers / experience / education / Executive management research should be eight years candidates complete 20 courses equivalent to 40 credits 5 campus visits 20 days the length of each over a period of two years. In addition to visits to campus for a period of 20 days each, at least 3-5 additional campus visits will normally required These visits are for full examination, defense of the thesis proposal and final candidate thesis defense should not be over 55 years on 30th June 2015 the success of every student program requirements will be awarded the title / diploma holders “Fellow of the Indian Institute of Management Plantation” degree / certificate through part-time week- weekend, evening, correspondence, private aspect, or satellite-based programs are not eligible.

IIPM Bangalore announces Fellow Programme in Management 2015:

Selection process:

Eligible applicants with any of the following note will be called directly for the presentation and CAT Interview (two years with scores required cut) as decided by the IIPMB GMAT / GRE (not more than five years) UGC-CSIR-JRF / NET (scores no more than five years) in the relevant field of specialization ICAR NET (scores not more than 5 years) eligible candidates who will fill the need above taken any of the above qualification tests, but have years experience post their qualifying degree will qualify the internal test designed by IIPM for the discussion group and personal interviews Those who qualify qualifying standards, and sponsored by Commodity Tips / Concerned Department / Plantation and business associates Agri-Industries / Associations etc. are exempt from the test; but they will be subject to interview students in the final year of a graduate program may also apply but must complete their degree before June 2015

Personal Interview & Discussion:

The candidates will be called for an interview and a personal discussion, according to the selection criteria established by the IIPMB final selection will be based on criteria as decided from time to time by the Institute Students will be admitted to the fields of specific expertise related to the existing zones faculty of the Institute current maximum of four students can be admitted each year.

How to Apply:

Brochure and application form, please write to the ‘Admissions’ with a crossed demand draft for Rs.1000 / – (Rs.500 / – for SC / ST / PWD) candidates with relevant certificates drawn in favor of “Indian Institute of Management Plantation ‘, payable at Bangalore the application form can also be downloaded from the website of the Institute and filled with fresh request can be sent to the AdmissionsOffice,                                                                             The Institute Of ManagementPlantation,                                            Jnana Bharithi  Campus                                                         Malathalli (Po),                                                                                 Bangalore,


For details please visit: www.iipmb.edu.in

Important dates:

Last date of filing 25th July 2015 after program in August 2015

Institute of Plantation Management Indian Bangalore:

(An autonomous organization promoted by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, GOI) Advanced Management Research Center in Plantation (CARP), Institute of Management Plantation, Jnana Bharathi Campus, Malathalli (PO), Bangalore, Karnataka-560056, Email: admission_iipm @ vsnl.net,

Web site:
