ICDS CAS DASHBOARD | www.icds-cas.gov.in Login


Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) specially designed to strengthen the Service Delivery System as well as the mechanism for Real-Time Monitoring (RTM) for nutritional outcomes. Under ICDS CAS app currently, 550 districts have been covered under the Poshan Abhiyaan. To ensure a holistic approach, all 36 States/UTs and 718 districts will be covered in a phased manner by the year 2020.

ICDS-CAS Dashboard Software enables the identification of malnourished children based on auto-plotting of Growth Charts. The ICDS CAS dashboard available at National, State, District, Block level enables timely identification and interventions to address the problem of under-nutrition.

By the year 2020, the ICDS CAS application will be rolled out across 14 lakh Anganwadis and impact 10 Crore beneficiaries.

ICDS Poshan Abhiyan is currently the largest e-Nutrition & Health program in the World having 1.1 lakh data entry devices.

ICDS CAS Dashboard Login or www.icds-cas.gov.in Login

To login to ICDS CAS Dashboard, You need an account first. A unique and specific Username and password will be provided Anganwadi Department.

Here is the link to open ICDS CAS website: ICDA CAS Dashboard 



ICDS CAS Dashboard Forgot Password Recovery:

To recover you forgot ICDS CAS password follow the below steps.

  • Open ICDA CAS login page.: Check Here:  >>>> https://www.icds-cas.gov.in/a/icds-cas/login/
  • Click on “Forgot Password”
  • You will be redirected to “Reset Password”
  • Enter your Email.
  • Fill the security captcha code and click on ” Reset Password”.


Here is the demo video, How ICDS CAS app works.

The ICDS-CAS Dashboard has been created for use by MWCD officials at the National, State, district and block levels to be able to access real-time information.

  • View raw data submitted by AWWs and Lady Supervisors in a
    useful and easily understandable manner


  • Monitor and evaluate Anganwadi Services indicators in order to
    view progress and identify problem areas


  •  Supervise the functioning of the ICDS program
  •  Make prompt data-driven decisions to improve service delivery

Here is the complete PDF file on ” How ICDS CAS Dashboard APP” WORKS: >>>> ICDS CAS PDF