ICAR Recruitment for Various Jobs

ICAR(National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources) Recruitment for Various Jobs:

ICAR (National Bureau Of Agricultural Insect Resources) announced recruitment for various posts Research Associates and Young Professional. There are totally recruitment for five posts. The applications are invited for under the scheme “Network project on Insect Bioinformatics” under “Centre for Agricultural Bioinformatics (CABin) on purely contractual basis up to 31st March 2017. The other details are shown below.

ICAR Recruitment for Various Jobs

Serial  Number  Post Qualification Number of Vacancies
1. Research Associate Ph.D/ MSc in Bioinformatics. Those with MSc

qualification with first division or 60% marks, should have three years experience and

published papers in the field.

02 posts
2. Research Associate Biotechnology. Ph.D/ M.Sc in Biotechnology with first

division or 60% marks. Preference will be given tothose who have exposure to

bioinformatics related work.

01 post
3. Young Professional Masters in Computer application. Masters in Computer

applications with first division or 60% marks. Preference will be given to those who have

experience in insect related work.

01 Post
4. Young Professional Masters in Entomology/Zoology with specialisation in

Entomology, with first division or 60% marks.

01 Post


How to Apply for ICAR Recruitment :

The Candidates are requested to send advance copy of application to the Principal Investigator, Network Project on Insect Bioinformatics to ICAR , P.B.No.2491, H.A. Farm Post, Bellary Road, Hebbal Bengaluru-560024, Karnataka, India.

Last Date ICAR Recruitment:

05th February 2015

Date of Interview ICAR Recruitment : 

11th February 2015

For More Job Notifications, Admissions please log on http://topicsindia.com/