Gauhati University Result 2015, Check BA ,B.Com,B.Sc Results

Gauhati University Result 2015:

Gauhati University has declared the exam results for UG and PG courses.  Gauhati University has held the result for BA, B.SC, M.Sc. MA, LLB, MBA, B.Com, PhD, MCA and some other courses. We are informing to candidates who are appeared in these exam can check their results from Gauhati University website. If Candidates want to more and check result then they can visit on official site


Candidates can also check the results through official advertisement by visiting the below links.

Gauhati University Result 2015, Check BA ,B.Com,B.Sc Results

Gauhati University UG AND PG Result 2015:

The Gauhati University was formed in 1948 by an act of the state Legislature, such as the Gauhati University act 1947. It is one of the oldest and largest University of India. The aim of this University is that provide higher education to people in the North Western Region of India.  Gauhati University provides education in various programs such as arts, commerce, law, management, science, and technology. The Gauhati University offers both Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses like BA, BCA, B.Com, BBA, B.SC, B. tech, MCA,MA,M.SC, M.Com, and many other courses. The University has also declared 3rd Semester results for all bachelor and post graduation courses. Gauhati University conducts the examination in Semester wise and annual format. University will be conducted exam for the admission of suitable and interested candidates in the various courses.

Gauhati University Result 2015 for BA, BSC, MA, MSC Semester results:

We are informing here to all candidates who wrote the examinations of BA, BSC, BA, MA, and MSC 3rd Semester. The results for 3rd semester exams has announced by the University on its official webpage. So candidates can see the Gauhati University Result 2015 for BA, BSC, MA, MSC Semester results.

Gauhati University Result: check here