GATE Life Sciences XL Answer key 2015 Download

GATE Life Sciences XL Answer key 2015 Download: Every year this GATE exam plays crucial  role in the life of Engineering students. Candidates  appeared for the Life Sciences paper on January 31st Forenoon Session can know about today’s paper.  Candidates in search of the Life Sciences paper review then here we are providing all. Here we  provided the information about the Life Sciences paper Review,  Analysis, Cutoff,  Answer Key.

Also See: GATE ECE 2015 Answer Key 

GATE Life Sciences XL Answer key 2015 Download

GATE Life Sciences (XL) 31st January 2015 Forenoon Session Review / Analysis :

This year the paper was tough when compared with the last year 2014 paper. On the whole you can attempt for 65% of questions in this paper remaining question are a bit tough and tricky.Persons with good preparation and hard work can attempt the other 35% questions.

Section H: Chemistry (Compulsory)

Atomic structure and periodicity, Structure and bonding, Chemical Equilibria, Electrochemistry, Reaction Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Basis of Organic Reactions Mechanism.

Number of questions asked 15 questions carrying 25 marks. Questions Q.1 – Q.5 will carry 1-mark each Q.6 – Q.15 will carry 2 marks each.

No of questions attempted : 9

Level of Difficulty : Moderate

From the below given sections I, J, K, L, M choose any two sections.

Section I: Biochemistry

Organization of life. Importance of water. Cell structure and organelles. Structure and function of bio molecules, regulation compounds, Photosynthesis, Biological membranes. Transport across membranes. Signal transduction; hormones and neurotransmitters. DNA replication, transcription and translation. Biochemical regulation of gene expression. Recombinant DNA technology and applications: PCR, site directed mutagenesis and DNA micro array.

Each contains 20 questions carrying 30 marks. Q.1 – Q.10 will carry 1 mark each, Q.11 – Q.20 will carry 2 marks each.

No of questions attempted : 9

Level of Difficulty : Hard

Section J: Botany

Plant Systematic, Plant Anatomy, Morphogenesis & Development, Physiology and Biochemistry, Genetics, Plant Breeding and Genetic Modification, Economic Botany, Plant Pathology, Ecology and Environment.

Each contains 20 questions carrying 30 marks. Q.1 – Q.10 will carry 1 mark each, Q.11 – Q.20 will carry 2 marks each.

No of questions attempted : 14

Level of Difficulty : Moderate

Section K: Microbiology

Historical Perspective, Methods in Microbiology, Microbial Taxonomy and Diversity, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, Structure and Function, Microbial Growth, Control of Micro-organisms, Microbial Metabolism, Microbial Diseases and Host Pathogen Interaction, Chemotherapy/Antibiotics, Microbial Genetics, Microbial Ecology.

Each contains 20 questions carrying 30 marks. Q.1 – Q.10 will carry 1 mark each, Q.11 – Q.20 will carry 2 marks each.

No of questions attempted : 17

Level of Difficulty : Easy

Section L: Zoology

Animal world, Evolution, Genetics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Parasitology and Immunology, Development Biology, Ecology, Animal Behaviour.

Each contains 20 questions carrying 30 marks. Q.1 – Q.10 will carry 1 mark each, Q.11 – Q.20 will carry 2 marks each.

No of questions attempted : 13

Level of Difficulty : moderate

Section M: Food Technology

Food Chemistry and Nutrition, Food Microbiology, Food Products Technology, Food Engineering.

Each contains 20 questions carrying 30 marks. Q.1 – Q.10 will carry 1 mark each, Q.11 – Q.20 will carry 2 marks each.

No of questions attempted : 16

Level of Difficulty : Easy


 Verbal Ability : English grammar, sentence completion, verbal analogies, word groups, instructions, critical reasoning and verbal deduction.

Numerical Ability : Numerical computation, numerical estimation, numerical reasoning and data interpretation.

Contains 10 questions carrying 15 marks. Q.1 – Q.5 will carry 1 mark each, Q.6 – Q.10 will carry 2 marks each.

 No of questions attempted : 7

Level of Difficulty : Easy

Totally here you need to attempt 65 questions. Chemistry is compulsory section it has 15 questions carrying 25marks. 40 questions carrying 60 marks from any two subjects. 10 General Aptitude questions carrying 15marks( 25+60+15=100marks).

Also See: GATE 2015 Mechanical Engineering Answer Key 

GATE Life Sciences (XL) 31st January 2015 Forenoon Session  Cutoff Marks :

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2014 Cutoff differs the qualifying marks for General Class are kept high comparatively to other categories. The ME Cutoff for GATE 2014 is dependent on the previous year’s cutoff, number of applicants, difficulty levels of the GATE exam. Candidates appeared for 2015 GATE Exam must check and analyze the cutoff marks of previous year so that they can estimate their year cutoff marks. Here we provide you the GATE Life Sciences (XL) 2014.

Candidates Appeared : 8,527
Qualifying marks General: 31.04
Qualifying marks OBC : 27.93
Qualifying marks SC/ST/PWD : 20.69

GATE Life Sciences (XL) 31st January 2015 afternoon Session Answer key :

Life Sciences Gate 2015 exam answer will be updated soon. Now here we are providing you with 2014 question paper and answer key. Candiadtes eagerly waiting for gate XL jan 2015 answer key. They can know the correct answers to the questions asked in the GATE examination for Life Sciences Engineering so that they can estimate the scores which helps them to kow their estimated score. Once you kow the estimated score then you can think of the M.Tech XL courses in  Life Sciences.

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