Gate 2015 CH Answer Key Download – Chemical Engineering SET A B C D Question Paper With Solutions

Gate 2015 CH Answer Key Download Set A B C D Chemical Engineering question paper with Solutions Cut off Exam Analysis by Made Easy ACE/IES Academy Gate Forum:

GATE which stands for Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering is one of the toughest test, an all India Examination that basically test the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in Engineering and Technology. This year Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur is conducting Gate exams from 31st January 2015 to 8th February 2015. Today (on 31st January 2015) IIT Kanpur conducted Gate exam for Chemical Engineering (CH) in the Forenoon session. Now after the completion of exam all the candidates who have appeared for the exam are searching for Chemical Engineering (CH) 31st Jan Morning Paper Answer key & Analysis on the internet. Below we have provided the Answer key, Review & Analysis of Chemical Engineering (CH) 31st Jan Morning Paper.

Gate 2015 CH Answer Key Download – Chemical Engineering SET A B C D Question Paper With Solutions

GATE 31st January Chemical Engineering (CH) Answer Key 2015:

Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies the natural (or experimental) scieances (e.g. chemistry and physics) and life sciences (e.g. biology, microbiology and biochemistry) together with mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy. It essentially deals with the engineering of chemicals, energy and the processes that create and/or convert them. Modern chemical engineers are concerned with processes that convert raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms.

This year IIT Kanpur is conducting Gate exams on 31st January, 1st, 7th & 8th February. You can download Chemical Engineering (CE) 31st January Answer key from the official website after the declaration. The link will be provided below.

Also See: GATE Mechanical Engineering Answer key download for 31st Jan

Gate 2015 Chemical Engineering (CE) 31st Jan Morning Session Review:

In this paper Engineering Mathematics will carry around 15% of the total marks, the General Aptitude section will carry 15% of the total marks and the remaining percentage of the total marks is devoted to the subject of the paper. There will be a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. Candidates will be given a composite time of 3 hours to complete all these sections.

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS: Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Calculus, Differential equations, Complex variables, Probability and Statistics, Numerical Methods, Transform Theory.

General Aptitude(GA): This Paper Consists of Verbal Ability, English grammar, verbal analogies, instructions, critical reasoning and verbal deduction, Sentence completion, Word groups

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Process Calculations and Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations, Transport Phenomena, Thermodynamics, Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Instrumentation and Process Control, Plant Design and Economics, Chemical Technology, Unit Operations, Kinetics and Reactor Design.

Also See: ECE Answer Key 31st Jan 2015 

Gate 2015 Chemical Engineering (CE) 31st Jan Morning Session Analysis:

Gate 2014 Chemical Engineering (CH)  Section wise analysis is given below.

GATE 2014
Total Marks-100 Paper-1
1 Mark 2 Marks
Engineering Mathematics 4 5
Process Calculations 0 2
Thermodynamics 2 2
Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations 3 4
Heat Transfer 2 3
Mass Transfer 4 3
Chemical Reaction Engineering 3 3
Process Control & Instrumentation 3 4
Plant Design Economics 1 2
Chemical Technology 3 2
Verbal Ability 3 2
Numerical Ability 2 3

Gate 2015 Chemical Engineering (CH) 31st January Exam analysis will be updated soon…

Gate 2015 Chemical Engineering (CH) Cutoff Marks:

The GATE 2015 Cutoff for Chemical Engineering (CH) is the minimum score needed for the admissions to the Engineering PG courses in Chemical Engineering (CH). Candidates who score above the CH Cutoff for GATE 2015 will be called for counselling and admissions.

Gate 2014 Cut Off Marks

Chemical Engineering (CH) candidates appeared: 15,844

Qualifying marks for General: 35.14

Qualifying marks for OBC: 31.62

Qualifying marks for SC/ST/PWD: 23.43

Gate 2015 Chemical Engineering (CH) Cutoff Marks will be updated soon. . . 

Please stay tuned to our website for answer key……….