Fantastic Four Theatrical Trailer/ Teaser

Fantastic Four Theatrical Trailer/ Teaser:

Fantastic Four is upcoming English film based on Superhero character. The story was taken from Marvel Comics. The movie released their first theatrical trailer.

Fantastic Four Cast & Crew:

Director: Josh Trank

Producers:  Simon Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn, Gregory Goodman

Production Company: 20th Century Fox, Marvel Entertainment, Marv Films

Screenplay: Simon Kinberg, Jeremy Slater

Story: Jeremy Slater, Josh Trank

Cast: Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Bell, Toby Kebbell, Reg E. Cathey, Tim Blake Nelson.

Music: Marco Beltrami, Philip Glass.

Cinematography: Matthew Jensen

Editor: Elliot Greenberg

Distributor: 20th Century Fox

Release Date: August 7th 2015

The movie starring four lead characters will perform by Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Bell and Toby Kebbell. The movie was directed by Josh Trank who got a success with Chronicle movie in 2012. The Fantastic Four was actually planned to release for many years and finally it is scheduled to release on 7th August 2015. They are also planning sequel for this movie and scheduled to release in 2017.

It was just like stories from Marvel comics and it has premise that four people will become alternative to universe to save it. The movie has released their first theatrical trailer and watch the trailer below.

Fantastic Four Trailer: