China to Launch 120 Satellites into Space

China plans 120 Satellites to place in Space:

China is Planning to launch 120 satellites to Space in order to fulfil the country networking and communication requirements in navigation and space research and other communication.

china aerospsce


Yong Baohua the deputy general manager of “China Aerospace science and technology corporation” said that”We are planning to build a self-controlled national space infrastructure that can operate continuously and stably for a long time.

China to have 70 Remote Sensing Satellites:

China Aerospace center going to launch 70 remote sensing satellites to study the nearest environment conditions on Earth and to analyse the effects to prevent.

20 Satellites for Security and Communication:


20 satellites are used for national Security and public communication addition to that communist nation china trying to launch 30 more satellites for navigation in order to provide the exact global positioning and navigation.

Latest information on Satellites:

in another case, china is trying to become the strongest country in the world.mean while India success on Mars(Mars Orbiter Mission) and it’s fame created jealous to them, they are trying to give a tough competition to the world by implementing new technological innovations and research.

china space reaserchinformation

china is spending crores of money on technology and defense, in india P.M Narendra Modi Govt. is giving lots of encouragement to ISRO(Indian Space Research 0rganisation) and defense sector for more research in technology and communication.

ISRO is also planning to launch MOM-2 (Mars orbiter Mission) in 2017-18.