BMRC Recruitment 2015 notification 69 engineers, managers

BMRC Recruitment 2015 notification 69 engineers, managers

BMRC (Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited) has issued notification for recruitment of 69 Engineers, manager’s posts. All eligible and interested candidates can apply offline later than 21-02-2015 (21 February 2015). More detailed information on age limit, educational qualifications, the selection procedure, Pattern of the examination syllabus for BMRC (Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited) Recruitment 2015-69 engineers, managers Post is mentioned below.

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BMRC (Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited) Recruitment 2015 detailed vacancy information

Total posts – 69 posts

Name and no of posts:

  1. Dy. Chief Engineer (Design) – 02
  2. Executive Engineer (Design) – 02
  3. Dy. Director General (Architecture) – 02
  4. Manager (Architecture) – 02
  5. Assistant Manager (Architecture) – 01
  6. Dy. Director General (Contracts) – 01
  7. Manager (Contracts) – 02
  8. Dy. Chief Engineer / Safety and Health – 02
  9. Executive Engineer / Safety and Health – 02

10 Assistant Executive Engineer / Safety and Health – 04

  1. Assistant Engineer / Safety and Health – 08
  2. Executive Engineer / Launching – 03
  3. Asst. Executive Engineer / Launching – 03
  4. Asst. Engineer / Launching – 09
  5. Asst. Engineering / survey – 06
  6. Asst. Executive Engineer / Quantity Survey – 06
  7. Asst. Engineer / Quantity Survey – 06
  8. Asst. Executive Engineer / underground- 04
  9. Asst. Engineer / underground – 04

Age limit:

Candidate’s age limit should not exceed 50 to 55 years. Age relaxations will apply according to the rules.

Educational Qualification:

Candidates must have done Diploma / BE / B.Tech / engineer / M.Arch / B. Arch / ME / M.Tech or equivalent qualification from a recognized university.

Selection Process:

All eligible applicants will be selected based on their performance in the written test, Interview.


Salary Range: Rs 30000/-to 80,000/-.


How to Apply:

All eligible and interested candidates are required to send their hard copy of the application and the relevant evidence to the following address on or before 21-02-2015.


General Manager (HR)

Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited,

III Floor, BMTC Complex

KH Road, Shanthinagar

Bangalore -560027.


Important Dates:

Last deadline for receipt of application forms is: 21-02-2015.