Apple Removes IOS 8 Software Update

Apple Removes IOS 8 Software Update:

The system hindered the normal phone. They had not received many complaints from imposing their maps or the problem coverage of the iPhone 4 antenna

iOS 8 has become the latest Apple recent scandal. A level of complaints is not remembered by their users from the imposition of their maps or the problem coverage of the iPhone 4 antenna The difference is that the problems of the new operating system, introduced last June 2 at developers and accessible for all customers to the iPhone and iPad since last Friday, has various symptoms. Since difficulty connecting to WiFi networks to inefficient use of the battery.

With intent to remedy the problem, Apple released, as it is called in the jargon of the emergency discharge, a minor update, a patch, fix it. The effect has been the opposite: in some cases off the phone connection and does not allow calls. In other cases, disable the fingerprint sensor. Initially the update was dedicated to improving Health Kit, the application package with a focus on wellness and health, one of the stars of iOS in August.

Apple removed the updated iOS operating system 8

The compendium of errors and complaints is available through Twitter under the hashtag iOS8bugs. Some took it with humor and has dedicated a song to the failed update.

Apple has simply put a statement in the mouth of an anonymous spokesman to answer Recode, a specialized technology page. “We have withdrawn the iOS 8.0.1 update” The blog for enterprise developers indicate that 46% of mobile and tablets and Apple iOS have changed to 8, the 49% is held in iOS 7 The remaining 5% remains anchored to previous versions.

Since last Friday, departure date of the last generation of iPhone, Apple has sold over 10 million units between model 6 and Plus between the United States, where he still tail is made ​​to buy, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Puerto Rico, Singapore and the UK. This Friday will debut in Spain. The apple is forecast to be present in 115 countries by the end of the year. Despite the success of sales, new model faces an additional problem: the images of consumers are surprised to see that happen to their low resistance makes it double