AP 10th Class(SSC) Results declared 2015

AP 10th Class(SSC) Results declared 2015 :

visitors can also check AP ssc 10th class results through official advertisement by visiting the related links

AP 10th ssc Results 2015 is likely to be declared by BSEAP in this month of May, 2015. AP 10th class Result is generally published 12th date by the month of May. The AP Board 10th SSC Results for Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh will be announced at the website of, Directorate of Government Examinations, SSC Board i.e. bseap.org. AP Board 10th class SSC Result 2015 is also be declared the website – mnabadi, School9, Indiaresults and other authorized result portals.

AP SSC Results 2015 | AP SSC Board 10th class Results

AP Board SSC Result 2015:

In the year 2014 the AP Board SSC Results was announced on 15th May 2014 and approximately 1300000 students appeared for this examinations. According to the sources the number of students participating in these examinations are progressively increasing more. Also the pass percentage among both males and females has been improved over the years. This is only because parents and guardians have realised the value of he education in every sphere. In the year 2013 approximately, a total of 1,25,7893 candidates registered for class 10th examination and there was an increase of 6.67 per cent in the overall results. Students went through “continuous and comprehensive evaluation” programs and this step benefited them immensely. In all 5,03,602 students appeared for class 10th examination out of which 4, 98,735 passed.

*[AP]* 10th Class SSC Results 2015 [bseap.org]:

AP Board SSC Datesheet 2015
Date Subject/Paper
26th March,2015 First Language Paper-1(Group-A)First Language Paper-1(Composite Course)
27th March,2015 First Language Paper-2(Group-A)First Language Paper-2(Composite Course)OSSC Main Language Paper-1(Sanskrit/Arabic/Persian)
30th March,2015 Second Language
31st March,2015 English Paper-1
1st April,2015 English Paper-2
2nd April,2015 Mathematics Paper-1
4th April,2015 Mathematics Paper-2
6th April,2015 General Science Paper-1
7th April,2015 General Science Paper-2
8th April,2015 Social Studies Paper-1
9th April,2015 Social Studies Paper-2
10th April,2015 OSSC Main Language Paper-2(Sanskrit/Arabic/Persian)
11th April,2015 SSC Vocational Course(Theory)

AP 10th class subject wise marks list 2015:

The Board of (ssc)Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh is also known as the Directorate of Government Examinations. This SSC Board was formed in year 1953 and its functions as an autonomous body under the Department of Education, Andhra Pradesh. The Directorate of Government Examinations (DOE’s) is an independent department functioning under ministry of the secondary education, Govt. of (AP)Andhra Pradesh. It is responsible for conduction the SSC/ OSSC Public Examinations and the number of minor examinations. DOE’s office conducts SSC/OSSC examinations twice in a year. A huge number of students of AP State/ outside state / outside Counry has appeared for AP Board SSC Examination 2015. The (SSC)School Secondary Certificate examination is also known as 10th board exam.

AP ssc Results 2015 – AP Manabadi 10th class Results 2015:

Nearly 5.65 lakhs of students are appeared for this exam they all are eagerly waiting to know their Andhra Pradesh SSC Results 2015 from their Cell Phones and desktops

1) Type the topicsindia.com Site in the address bar of a browser and hit enter key

2) The student needs to enter their exam hall ticket number or registered number provided by the AP Board

3) The Candidates can find the AP SSC Results 2015

How to Check AP Board SSC Result 2015 ?

visitors can also check AP ssc 10th class results through official advertisement by visiting the related links


The candidates can check their AP SSC Board 10th class Results after and when the Ap board will announce the results, then go to its official website and other results website also which show AP10th SSC results name wise or AP SSC Board 10th Class 2015. To check AP Board SSc Result 2015, you can
  • Log on to the official website topicsindia.com.
  • Click on link “AP 10th Class Result 2015″
  • Then, a new page will open in new tab.
  • Here, enter your Hall Ticket No. in blank text box.
  • Now, click the button ‘Submit’ to view your 10h class SSC Result of AP State.
  • Click Here To Check AP 10th Class Result 2015.