AirAsia flight didn’t have permission to fly on daycrash

AirAsia flight didn’t have permission to fly on daycrash:

AirAsia flight 8501 doesn’t have the permission to fly from Surabaya to Singapore on Sunday morning crashed into Java Sea said by the Indonesian officials on Saturday. The plane lost contact with air traffic control on early morning of Sunday while travelling with 162 passengers crashed in the Java Sea. Then it was find by using sonar cans with the oil slick they discovered two big objects and that was confirmed that is the big part of AirAsia plane said by Soelistyo.

The AirAsia had permission only Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to fly to this route said by Transport Ministry Spokesman J.A.Barata. Indonesia’s acting general of aviation, Djoko Murjatmodjo said the further investigation going on and why AirAsia was flying the route outside its authorized schedule, during period of 26th October 2014 to 28th March 2015.

AirAsia flight didn't have approval to fly on daycrash

Up to now they confirm that they had found only 30 dead bodies said by Indonesia’s rescue agency, Mr. Soelistyo on Friday. No body survived from that incident. The dead bodies were send to Surabaya for the identification.

“So AirAsia has committed a violation of the route that has been given to them” said by Barata. Another flights from Surabaya to Singapore also been suspended on Friday.

Djoko Murjatmodjo said “ Frankly speaking, it’s a bit late for us to find out about this.  There was no request for changes in their schedule.”