AIIMS Raipur Recruitment 2015 100 Junior Residents

AIIMS Raipur Recruitment 2015 100 Junior Residents

Recruitment to the post of Junior Residents on direct job outsourcing
basis for a period of 12 months at AIIMS, Raipur (CG).

 100 Junior Residents  Recruitment 2015
UPPER AGE LIMIT (AS ON 27-01-2015)
(i) Age-30 years relaxable for SC/ST candidate upto a maximum period of five
years, in the case of OBC candidates upto a maximum period of three years.


Junior Residents
(ii) In the case of Orthopedic Physical Handicapped (OPH) candidates upto
maximum period of 5 years for General Category, 8 years for OBC category and
10 years for SC/ST category candidates.
(iii) Your interview may be carried over to the next day depending upon the
number of candidates present on the scheduled day of interview. Therefore,
you should be prepared to be available for interview for next day also, if

100 Junior Residents  Recruitment 2015 AIIMS Raipur

For General /OBC Category : Rs.1000/-
SC/ST Category : Rs. 800/-
The fee shall be in the form of Demand Draft/Pay orders in favour of ‘AIIMS Raipur’
payable at Raipur.

The Candidates may download the form from the website .in
Deputy Director Administration
AIIMS, Raipur (C.G.)

Date of Written Exam 27th January 2015
Reporting Time 10:00 AM
1st Venue floor Committee Room, AIIMS
Tatibandh, Raipur.

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