Before this new update, Google Voice Search was only able to recognize a language at a time, i.e. we could not query in which words were included in Spanish and English for example, would have to make separate consultations. That has all changed now, since the user can take up to 5 dissimilar languages. Since most people only, two languages spoken in most support a maximum of five simultaneous should be more than sufficient for the diligence.
The update will grant up to 5 languages to choose who will be the remaining is set by default, if we want change we give birth to modify the backgrounds of the app obviously. Combine 5 languages in a single search are possible, but plainly is not soft, and if the sentence does not make sense then the search could generate any solution. We assume that at most people will search involving up to two languages as they go beyond that can become difficult and even unnecessary.
What do you think about this new enhancement has been added?